Who am I

Steven Khouri

Computer/Software Engineer

Hello my name is Steven Khouri, I graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 2019. I also have five years of industry experience in addition to the degree. Over the last year and a half, I created a product to educate teens on responsible gambling called Cups 'N' Dice. Before that, I worked for Target as a backend developer for three years. I also worked for Intel and a medical company called Smith Medical. I have been programming for about 10 years (since high school) including the five years in industry. I have worked in varying industries and areas of focus including app design, backend development, fullstack development, product development, medical, retail, and chip manufacturing. I like all types of computer work from software development to hardware design. My career and education have included both. I made this site to introduce myself to recruiters, so I have included my resume and a copy of my college transcript.